The Simple Things You Should Be Doing Every Morning
Wellness Article of the Week: Huffington Post Healthy Living
"The alarm sounds and you're off: Onto checking emails, finding car keys and, if you're lucky, brushing your hair.
The madness, the rush of it all -- it's got to stop. Adding intention into your morning routine is in your best interest: It sets the tone for the rest of your day, and may ultimately reflect how productive, happy and calm you'll be for your following waking hours.
You have the power to wake up on the right side of the bed every single morning for the rest of your life.
"If the first thing you do in the morning isn’t 100 percent for you, selfishly, then the rest of your day will be spent not doing anything for you," writes Micah Baldwin, founder and CEO of Graphicly. "Find something that is yours, and yours alone," Baldwin advises. He personally sets two alarms separated by 30 minutes and gets out of bed at the sound of the second. The ritual has him appreciating sleep.
Take a cue from Baldwin. There are several things you can do, without leaving your bed, that'll ensure a fantastic day ahead. So before you roll out of the comfort of your warm, cozy nest, consider these eight rituals below."
Posted: October 8, 2013, 8:29 AM