Wellness Wednesday: Exploring Authentic Movement
Following Impulses, Trusting Intuition, Gaining Insight
Fine Arts : 317
Date & Time
June 5, 2019, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Are you feeling creatively blocked? Would you like more awareness and insight into your life? Curious about ways to access the wisdom contained in the physical body?
If so, we invite you to join us for this experiential wellness session that explores Authentic Movement. Originated in the 1950’s by Mary Whitehouse, Authentic Movement integrates Jung’s concept of active imagination with dance movement improvisation.
Derived yet distinct from traditional dance, Authentic Movement is a community experience where both movers and committed witnesses (other movers) share both the experience of moving and insights gleaned as a result. Come join us for this freeing, empowering, and appreciative community experience!
For more information on wellness at UMBC, visit http://www.umbc.edu/wellness.
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Join us as we recommit to making healthier choices every day!