COVID-19 Vaccine: The Road to Normal
We’re almost one year into the COVID-19 Pandemic and it seems like the worry about when it will end is constant.
The COVID-19 vaccine may be a hot topic among you and friends/family, on social media, and in the news. New information emerges every day, but we do know that mask wearing, physical distancing (six feet!), hand washing, and the COVID-19 vaccine together will help to slow the spread so we can get through this pandemic.
Before we get into the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine, let’s talk about Vaccines 101
Vaccines provide immunity to common viruses, like the Flu, Pneumonia, and chicken pox
Vaccines prevent us from either contracting or decreasing the severity of illnesses that could be life-threatening.
Since childhood, many of us have received vaccines to prevent illnesses like the Chicken pox, measles, and mumps.
Vaccines help to keep us and the people around us healthy and free from illness
Getting a “new” vaccine can be a little scary, but it is important for us to know the facts. Here’s what we know so far about the COVID-19 vaccines:
Three are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration from Pfizer, Moderna, and the Johnson and Johnson pharmaceutical companies
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses within 21 or 28 days of the first shot. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine requires one dose.
Although the vaccines prevent serious illness, you must continue to practice physical distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands.
One of the greatest myths is that the COVID-19 vaccine will inject us with the virus. That is UNTRUE.
Two of the existing COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) use mRNA instead of a live weakened virus, to trigger an immune response. The Johnson and Johnson Vaccine is an adenovirus vector vaccine.
The immune response produces antibodies that help our bodies fight infection if the real virus enters our bodies.
Again, you WILL NOT be injected with the COVID-19 virus.
The goal of the vaccine is to prevent serious illness if COVID-19 is contracted.
What to expect once you receive one of the vaccines:
You must wait 15 minutes for the doctor/nurse to monitor an allergic reaction
Mild symptoms (fatigue, soreness at the injection sight, dizziness, slight fever) that stop after a day or two
Experiencing mild symptoms is a sign that your body is building immunity
Currently, vaccine distribution is happening in phases based on factors such as age, occupation, if you have pre-existing illnesses that put you at risk for contracting COVID-19. Visit your state health department’s website for more information about your eligibility.
Remember to wear your mask (double up if you choose), wash your hands frequently, and practice physical distancing. Quarantine and get tested if you begin to show symptoms. Be sure to visit UMBC’s COVID-19 response website for more resources.
Together we will get through this pandemic!
Posted: March 10, 2021, 9:36 AM