Ditching the Distress
The life of a student trying to survive the pandemic, maintaining some sort of social life, getting your work done, and missing the closeness of family and friends can be really hard. Virtual learning and sitting in front of a screen all day may not have been what you imagined your college experience to be. If you are having some difficulty in managing your stress, school work, and social life, here are a few tips to help to reduce your stress.
If you are missing friends and family:
Schedule regular check-ins, a phone call or virtually, to find out what’s going on in their lives
Host a virtual movie or game night with lots of snacks
Text or call a friend/family member when they cross your mind
If the stress of everything is getting to you, try some of these stress relievers
Meditation to calm your mind (the calm app)
Listen to your favorite music
Take a break and watch your favorite tv show or movie
Engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity to boost the feel good hormones
Print out some coloring book sheets or use a coloring app
Take a social media break for a few hours or even a few days
Zoom Fatigue is real! It’s normal to feel exhausted at the thought of logging in. Here are a few tips to help you make it through a day of class
Get some fresh air and sunlight between classes
Take a break from all of your screens (phone, tablet, gaming system, television)
Make sure you are well rested before class starts
Keep some energizing snacks nearby
If you are having trouble with getting your work done
Reach out to the Academic Success Center for tutoring resources and the writing center
Try the Pomodoro technique:
pick one task/assignment
set your timer for 20-30 minutes
work nonstop until the timer goes off
take a 5 minute break
reset your timer
repeat until you’re happy with your progress
Ask your professors and TAs for help
You are not alone in trying to adjust to the stress of living during such a crazy, historic time. These stress relievers are not meant to replace counseling services if they are needed to help navigate these times. UMBC has counseling resources available to you if you need to talk to a licensed professional about the mental health impact of everything, please reach out to the UMBC counseling center for support and resources (410-455-2472 or call 410-455-3230 after hours).
Posted: March 10, 2021, 9:07 AM