STUDENT Return to Campus COVID Awareness training - Due 8/27
Welcome to the fall 2020 semester at UMBC! We’re excited to welcome you back even though these extraordinary times create unique challenges for many of us. We want to provide you with information about how to protect yourself, support the health and safety of our campus community, and reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 at UMBC and beyond. We also write to share UMBC’s community expectations during the transition back to campus.
All students who will be attending face-to-face classes and/or living or working on campus this fall are required to complete the Return to Campus COVID Awareness training by August 27, 2020. To access the training, please use the following instructions:
- Log in to your UMBC Blackboard site.
- Select the “Organizations” section located on the left side of your screen.
- Select the training “Return to Campus COVID Awareness.”
- Select Module 1 to begin the training.
- This training does not have to be completed in one sitting; however, you must complete all five training modules.
If you are having any issues accessing the training, please follow the instructions located at this FAQ page to self-enroll in the Return to Campus COVID Awareness.
At the end of module 5, you will be asked to acknowledge and sign the Retriever Community Agreement making a personal commitment to precautions and actions required in order to minimize the potential spread of COVID-19 on our campus and beyond.
If you do not complete the training and sign the Retriever Community Agreement by August 27 you will be required to take classes online and/or live off campus until circumstances allow for a return to campus.
Additional information on all of the requirements for students approved to return to campus, including information on COVID-19 testing options and daily symptom tracking, is available on the Retrievers Return Roadmap site.
Thank you very much for your commitment to helping us keep our UMBC community as healthy as possible. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Posted: August 17, 2020, 3:46 PM