Parenting/Caregiving Strategies During Challenging Times
A Round Table Discussion on July 1st
Parenting/Caregiving Strategies During Challenging Times: A Round Table Discussion
July 1 from 2-3 p.m.
Presenters are Fritzie Charne-Merriwether, Student Affairs, and Lisa Gray, Mosaic, Interfaith and Pride Centers.
We're re-sharing from the June 30: Retrievers Return Action Update to help spread the word!
From images of violent policing and racial justice uprisings to the deaths of loved ones and the stress of isolation due to COVID-19, it’s a lot for anyone to grasp right now. As a parent or caregiver for children, it is especially challenging. Spending consecutive days inside trying to balance it all – work demands, child care, homeschooling – all while keeping your own and your child’s worries and stress under control can be daunting. We invite parents and caregivers to join us for a roundtable discussion on coping strategies during these challenging times. This discussion will be informal yet supportive and will offer a guided opportunity for parents and caregivers to share their challenges, fears, victories and inspirations with fellow colleagues within the division.
To join us for this conversation, please email Fritzie Charne-Merriwether ( to reserve your space.
Posted: June 30, 2020, 3:38 PM