Let’s Stay Together
Connecting with others is a vital part of the human experience. Healthy social connections can improve one’s ability to cope with stress and improve overall well-being.
Some other benefits of healthy social connections include:
Reduced rates of depression and anxiety
Better emotional regulation
Faster recovery times from health impacts
Surprisingly, to reap the benefits of social connection, a person doesn't need to have lots of connections. It is all about the quality of the connections you have. A few healthy and meaningful connections can go a long way.
In a time of physical distancing, it may seem difficult to maintain social connections and social support. Some of us aren’t seeing our roommates every day, we aren’t passing by friends when walking down Academic Row, or grabbing lunch in The Commons with our fellow organization members, but we are still together.
To start, connect with people in these four areas of your life:
Your family/relatives/loved ones
Your friends
Your partner (or a different person of your choosing)
To help you maintain connections with others during social distancing, try a few of these options:
Sending a text
Calling them on the phone
Using an online platform to talk face-to-face (e.g., Google Hangouts; Whatsapp; houseparty)
Hosting a movie night (e.g., kast, netflixparty)
Writing a thoughtful email or sending a letter in the mail
Challenging a friend to a game of Connect 4, or another online game
Scheduling a virtual lunch or coffee meet-up
Checking on your neighbors (if you are able to, pick up items for neighbors who might not be able to go to the store)
Making new virtual connections (e.g., bumbleBFF, meetup, Huddle)
However you choose to connect during these times of social distancing, make it meaningful!
UMBC is hosting online events to help students stay connected to each other and their favorite departments and organizations. Visit myUMBC to learn about all of the upcoming online events, including events sponsored by
Posted: May 4, 2020, 10:42 AM