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Get Moving. Stay Active


When you hear (or read) the word movement, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? 

For some of us, it’s a run, for some it’s time at the gym, for others it could be walking your dog, or dancing to your favorite playlist. Movement doesn’t always mean exercise but it is always a chance to get our heart rate up above resting. 

The beauty of movement is that it is something we consciously and unconsciously experience all the time. As UMBC community members, we don’t often think about walking from the parking lot to our first destination of the day as movement. But it is. 

During our time of physical distancing and staying home, many of us are becoming sedentary, which negatively impacts our health. To combat risk related to sedentary lifestyle, we must intentionally incorporate movement into our daily routine. 

Some of the benefits of movement are: 

  • Stress relief 

  • Better mood

  • Increased energy

  • Loosening stiff muscles

  • Weight management

  • Lowering risks for chronic diseases in the future

  • Improved concentration

So how can we incorporate more movement into our daily routine?

  • Find something for you. 

    • When trying to incorporate more intentional movement into your routine, it is important to pick something that you would actually like to do. For some of us, it could be taking a walk during the day or doing an indoor workout

  • Schedule it. 

    • Creating a schedule increases the likelihood of accomplishing a task. Treat movement as an event for the day. Select a time that works best for you and stick with it. Try using an activity planner

  • Enlist a partner.

    • Lots of things are better with friends, including getting active. Getting friends or family members to join you can create a sense of accountability and create stronger social connections. 

      • While the CDC has asked that persons only physically interact with people who live with us, that doesn’t prevent you from getting active with others who don’t live with us. Use an online platform, such as Google Hangouts, Whatsapp, FaceTime, to connect with a partner during a planned time for movement. 

Together, let’s commit to incorporating more movement in our daily routines and getting active. 

UMBC is offering a number of ways for community members to stay active during physical distancing. Check out UMBC Recreation for resources to help you stay active! 

Want a few more options? Give these a try:

Posted: April 29, 2020, 9:38 AM