Survey Related to Student Parents at UMBC
Share your experiences about being a student + parent @ UMBC
Under the instruction of David Hoffman and Craig Berger, for our class titled “civic agency and social entrepreneurship,” my colleagues and I are conducting a quick survey to get feedback from UMBC student-parents. We have found that student-parents face unique challenges. We see an opportunity at UMBC to develop ways that will make their UMBC experience more rewarding, to help them feel included and to provide them with resources that may be lacking. In order to do this we need to collect information from student parents like yourself. If you are receiving this e-mail you have been referred to us as someone who can help us develop our project! Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below and, if you can, provide us with emails of other student parents so that we can reach out to them as well!
Send your responses to either, or
Thank You!
Describe, in one word, how you believe UMBC sees student parents.
What resources could UMBC provide for student-parents?
Describe an experience regarding your status as a student parent, and what could you suggest to be done to improve it.
If possible- please provide e-mails for other student parents you would like to refer to take this survey
Posted: November 24, 2015, 5:50 PM