Meditation Classes with co-designer of MBC, Josh Rothschild
Fall Opportunities
1) Introduction to Meditation:
Sundays, from Sep 27, 2015 - Nov 15, 2015
From: 2:15PM - 3:45 PM
From: 2:15PM - 3:45 PM
Location: Baltimore Yoga Village Mount Washington
$108 for 8 weeks, maximum of 15 students
2) Awakening the Buddha Within
Based on the book by Lama Surya Das. This course is a Level II meditation class for those who have completed the Intro class. It will feature sitting meditation, walking meditation, group lessons, and a longer retreat for the last class. Students should commit to a regular home meditation practice for the duration of the course and come to each class prepared to discuss the reading.
12/19 Retreat day
Time: 10-12 (retreat will go from 10-3, and include group pot luck).
Please plan to get the text in advance of the class.
For more information and to register, email Josh at
Posted: September 8, 2015, 11:00 AM