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Meditation Classes with co-designer of MBC, Josh Rothschild

Fall Opportunities

1)  Introduction to Meditation:

A class to learn the essential practice of meditation. Students will be instructed in how to develop a home practice of meditation as well as how to apply the techniques in daily life. Class includes experiential lessons, discussion, instruction and practice. Students who sign up should be ready to commit to studying and practicing throughout the week on their own as well.

Sundays, from Sep 27, 2015 - Nov 15, 2015 
From: 2:15PM - 3:45 PM 
Location: Baltimore Yoga Village Mount Washington
$108 for 8 weeks, maximum of 15 students

2)  Awakening the Buddha Within

Based on the book by Lama Surya Das.  This course is a Level II meditation class for those who have completed the Intro class.  It will feature sitting meditation, walking meditation, group lessons, and a longer retreat for the last class.  Students should commit to a regular home meditation practice for the duration of the course and come to each class prepared to discuss the reading. 

12/19 Retreat day

Time:  10-12 (retreat will go from 10-3, and include group pot luck).

Please plan to get the text in advance of the class.

For more information and to register, email Josh at josh@peaceinbaltimore.com.

Posted: September 8, 2015, 11:00 AM