Take Five Minutes, Go Outside
Wellness Article of the Week: Post-Gazette.com
June 8 was National Get Outdoors Day. Did you miss it? I did -- and chances are, you did, too. In 2012, out of the 313 million people in the United States, 70,000 participated. That's .0002 percent.
National Get Outdoors Day. Let's think about that.
Our nation's indoor-dwelling denizens, like you and me, have such a dearth of outside activity that a coalition of people and organizations banded together to get us to go outside. These folks tempted us with geocaching, bike clinics, fly-fishing lessons, hikes, canoeing, rock climbing and fairs in parks all over the country.
By many standards, these events were deemed a success. People went outdoors. Awareness was raised. People felt energized and happy. All good things.
But why aren't we outside anyway?
Posted: September 5, 2013, 8:20 AM