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Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Every April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) calls attention to the impact sexual violence has on our community and how we all play a part in prevention.

The national theme of SAAM 2023 is “Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity.” The campaign recognizes sexual violence as both a public health and social justice issue. Systems of oppression such as racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism, ableism, and others contribute to higher rates of sexual harassment, assault, and abuse.

This year, we encourage you to examine and draw connections between various forms of oppression and the underlying causes of sexual assault. In addition, explore how certain groups of people are at higher risk for sexual violence and how those same people are also the most impacted by inequitable systems and oppression in our society.

This April don’t focus just on awareness but also action. We’re asking you to join us in building equity and respect within our community. We can help create change if we take the time to hear, understand, and recognize one another. 

Explore the UMBC departments and events that can help you build skills towards prevention and equity. Pick from this list at least one thing you can do to prevent sexual violence:

·       Attend a Green Dot Bystander Intervention Training – April 28, 1-5 p.m.

·       Request a Healthy Relationship Program/training for your student group or class.

·       Learn how to Use Your Voice with the Center for Democracy and Civic Life.

·       Stop by the Mosaic to learn about their services and events.

·       Attend Take Back the Night, the Women’s Center’s annual SAAM event.

·       Attend an I3b event, like I Am/ We Are April 19th, 5-6 p.m.

·       Participate in Love Quest a healthy relationship fact find this week!

·       Read more about this year’s national SAAM theme and how to discuss sexual violence and oppression.

Posted: April 3, 2023, 8:55 AM