The Garden Thyme Podcast
Monarchs and Milkweed
The Garden Thyme Podcast, brought to you by the University of Maryland Extension, is a monthly podcast where you can get help getting down and dirty in your garden, with timely gardening tips, information about native plants, and more!
In this month’s episode, we are chatting about the marvelous relationship between monarch butterflies and milkweed. Undoubtedly, there is no other butterfly so easily recognized with its orange and black wings fringed with white spots. Their seasonal flight from Mexico through the United States towards Canada is long anticipated for gardeners.
Milkweed and Monarchs: ~1:36
Migration and Life cycle: ~6:58
Milkweed recommendations for Maryland: ~ 11:06
Native Plant of the Month: Joe-pye weed- Eupatorium spp. at ~ 27:40
Bug of the Month: Asian Tiger Mosquito at ~ ~33:05
Garden Tips of the Month at ~ 39:20
Migration and Life cycle: ~6:58
Milkweed recommendations for Maryland: ~ 11:06
Native Plant of the Month: Joe-pye weed- Eupatorium spp. at ~ 27:40
Bug of the Month: Asian Tiger Mosquito at ~ ~33:05
Garden Tips of the Month at ~ 39:20
Posted: August 30, 2021, 8:22 AM