
UMBC Takes the Stairs!

Step by step, small steps make a big difference. Invest in your health by choosing to take the stairs rather than the elevator. This is one of many ways you can make Healthy Choices Every Day....

Posted: October 23, 2012, 1:46 PM

Group Fitness Online Sign-ups

register for class each day from your desktop!

UMBC Fitness and Wellness now has online sign-ups! To register for class, go to and click on Events. You will see the classes being held today. Click on...

Posted: October 22, 2012, 7:34 PM

Fall UMBC Wellness Opportunities

Taking care of yourself is important all the time, but especially during busy times such as the start of a new semester.  See below for a list of Fall wellness programs and resources at UMBC.  We...

Posted: September 25, 2012, 9:59 AM

UMBC Relationship Violence Awareness Month

Campus Events & Programs

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In honor of this, the Women's Center and University Health Services work together every year to highlight programs and events happening throughout the...

Posted: September 24, 2012, 11:25 AM

M2M: The Men's Initiative

Focusing On Healthy Masculinity!

Help us spread the word about a new Women's Center initiative focused on creating space for men to discuss what it means to be a man, explore gender roles and norms, and create healthy versions of...

Posted: August 29, 2012, 8:23 AM

Feel Your Best This Summer!

Tips for Healthy Living

Summer is a great time to refocus your energy into revamping your health and living habits for a better you! Take a look at these simple tips to get jump-started this hot season: Give Your Diet...

Posted: June 28, 2012, 4:39 PM

Summer Food Safety

How to Have a Healthy Summer BBQ

It’s no surprise that foodborne illnesses  increase during the summer months. To make sure you and your friends are eating safely at the next summer cookout, follow these tips: · Cool It: To...

Posted: June 28, 2012, 4:37 PM

Walking, Hiking, and Biking Around Campus

Enjoy some outdoor exercise this summer.

There a several walking, hiking, and biking maps available at the Fitness and Wellness group site.  We have maps for walking around campus, links to the CERA Trail guide and maps, and links to...

Posted: June 6, 2012, 7:57 PM

Summer 2012 Group Fitness

at the RAC

Join us this summer for Group Fitness at the RAC.  Classes are free to all summer students, faculty, staff, and students registered for fall 2012.  Visit the Fitness and Wellness group site for...

Posted: May 25, 2012, 6:27 PM

Last Day of Spring Group Fitness

Friday, May 11

The last day of spring Group Fitness is Friday May 11.  Join for Group Fitness this summer at the RAC starting May 29.

Posted: April 27, 2012, 7:35 PM